How to Get a Great Date (Widget for Your Site)

Sorry this is not a dating service. Gotcha!

You peeked at this post on

Click Here for the Code.

This handy piece of code will insert the current date whenever a person looks at your post, or site. Many marketers will use it in a message to create a sense of urgency. (i.e. the price is only $ x until midnight [date] )

How to Add the Code

1. Open an HTML box or  a new Windows Live Writer  File.

2. Type the text you want to use around the date.

(i.e. You peeked at this post on [date] )

3. Switch to HTML or source edit mode.

4. Highlight & copy the Code.

5. Highlight the word [date] in  your file & paste the code in its place.

There you are! A piece of writing that will always be up to date!

How will you use it?

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